To establish your authority on a subject, create a Hall of Fame related to the content you’ve shared in the major blog post you wrote (Lesson 1).
Will Bowen: To Market Your Book, Start a Movement (Self-Publishing Success Story)
Dallas Clayton: An Awesome World of Book Marketing (Self-Publishing Success Story)
Colleen Hoover: A New York Times Bestselling Self-Published Novelist
Dawn Ireland: On Postcard Marketing (Self-Publishing Success Story)
Carla King and the World of Motorcycling (Self-Publishing Success Story)
Self-Publishing Hall of Fame: Michael J. Knowles
Jim Misko: How to Do a Statewide Book Tour for Your Novel (Self-Published Novelist Success Story)
Boyd Morrison: On Writing Thrillers and Self-Publishing (Self-Publishing Success Story)
Neil Ostroff: On Kindle Direct Publishing and Twitter (Self-Published Novelist Success Story)
Neil Ostroff: On Marketing Books Via the Internet (Self-Published Novelist Success Story)
John Penberthy: How to Sell $40,000 in Foreign Rights (Self-Publishing Success Story)
Diane Pfeifer: On Selling a Million Books a Year (Self-Publishing Success Story)
Self-Publishing Hall of Fame: Derek Walcott
Andy Weir: How to Create a Bestselling Novel (and Movie)! (Self-Published Novelist Success Story)
Self-Publishing Hall of Fame: Milo Yiannopoulos
Ernie Zelinski: Creative Book Marketing Strategies (Self-Publishing Success Story)
Ernie Zelinski: On Being an Amazon Bestseller (Self-Publishing Success Story)