Self-Publishing Course: Create a SlideShare

To establish your authority on a subject, create a slideshow featuring the key tips you’ve shared in the major blog post you wrote (Lesson 1) that can be shared on other people’s websites and social networks.

Here is the transcript for the 5 Keys to Self-Publishing Success slideshow:

Slide 1
5 Keys to Self-Publishing Success with John Kremer

Slide 2
Write a Great Book: Write a readable, entertaining, informative, and inspirational book. Don’t settle for almost good. Get a good book editor. Note: Your writing can always be better. Always.

Slide 3
Design a Great Book: Start with a memorable, brandable book title. Design a readable book interior. Great covers sell books. If you spend anything on self-publishing your book, spend it on getting a great cover design.

Slide 4
Build a Great Website: First choice: Create a topical website around your keyword. Second choice: Create a brandable author website.

Slide 5
Create a Great Tribe: Be consistent in blogging. Short blog posts are fine. Always include a graphic with your blog posts. Socially share your posts and links.

Slide 6
Market a Great Book: Create lots of relationships. Do something every day to market your book. Don’t waste any opportunities. Self-publishing is the golden road!

Slide 7
5 Keys to Self-Publishing Success … … Copyright 2017 by John Kremer

Source: Self-Publishing Course: 5 Keys to Self-Publishing Success

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Self-Publishing Course: Create a Tipographic

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