Introduction … John Kremer: On Getting What You Want
The Book Authority Course on Getting What You Want: Introduction by John Kremer
If you want love, you have to give love. If you want happiness, you have to give happiness. If you want abundance, you have to share abundance. If you want money, you have to give money.
But there is one caveat. A big one.
You can’t give with larceny in your heart. You can’t give with an expectation of reward.
You must give with a generous heart. You must give freely and openly, without pause, without hesitation. You actually must be a genuinely good person.
What is the one question Santa asks each child when they are sitting on his knee giving him the list of what they hope to receive for Christmas? What does he ask? He ask them just one question: Have you been good this year?
If you become a genuinely good person, miracles happen. When you give generously, everything comes your way.
I call this The Multifold Secret.
It’s very simple. Whatever you give out to the world will come back to you multifold. The universe is generous. If you are generous.
It’s a fundamental law of the universe. It all comes back to you in ways that multiply what you give out.
When I was a child, my mother would plant gardens wherever anyone would let us plow up part of their lawn. And we planted many things, but the one thing I remember so vividly is what happened when we planted a kernel of corn. That kernel grew up into a plant that gave us two to three ears of corn. And each of those ears of corn featured hundreds of kernels of new corn, delicious corn, sweet and juicy corn.
That’s the multifold secret. It’s how nature works. It is a universal law. Go with it!
You have just seen the introduction to The Book Authority Course for Getting What You Want.
Join me in the rest of the course as I share strategies, inspiration, and stories from some of my best friends and mentors—people like Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Lisa Nichols, Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Marci Shimoff, Phil Town, Oprah Winfrey, and Zig Ziglar.
Register here for the course: Why You Need The Book Authority Course to Getting What You Want

John Kremer is the author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, mentor to authors who have sold over a billion books, and founder of the Billion Book Initiative to help the next generation of book authors sell another billion books. Over the past 40 years, he has helped thousands of authors, both major celebrities and those just starting out, to sell more books! Lots more books!
Ask. That’s where the magic and the power is—in doing that which you know you need to do. No matter what the obstacles. No matter what your trepidation. No matter how impossible it might seem. Nothing happens unless you do it. No media or market can respond to you until you ask for a response. No sales, no TV interviews, no major reviews, nothing—until you ask. Ask today. — John Kremer
Give and share. Be generous. It will come back to you in a thousand ways. — John Kremer
It was in this experience of working the land that I learned one of the great laws of nature: For every action, there is an unequal and incredibly multifold reaction. And that reaction is always good if you give rather than grasp. — John Kremer
Here is the secret to marketing: Love what you do. When marketing, do only the things that really inspire you, that move you, that excite you. Then you’ll do a great job of marketing. — John Kremer
If you really had true passion for your idea, nothing would stop you. You wouldn’t wait for someone else to champion your idea. You would do it. You would climb the highest mountain if need be, so people would know about your idea. Or you would parachute into Windsor Palace. Or you would stand in front of a line of Chinese tanks. You would die for your idea. — John Kremer
My experience is that the world is ready to bless us, to do our bidding, but we do have to let the world know what we want. — John Kremer
Nature does not operate by simple addition. It always works with multiplication. Nature is generous. It is abundant. For every action you take, nature returns an abundance of rewards. You put out one thought, one action into the world, and back comes a multitude of results, an abundance of returns. — John Kremer
Put out goodness, kindness, generosity, and optimism—and get back incredible abundance. Put out nastiness, hatred, meagerness, and pessimism—and get back poverty. — John Kremer
Not everything that counts can be counted. You can count sales. You can count fans and followers. You can count pins and tweets. But you can’t count passion. You can’t count commitment. You can’t count engagement. You can’t count relationships. — John Kremer
Write down your dreams. Set a date. Take the steps to reach your goal. Act on your plans. And your dreams will come true. — John Kremer
You have no right to suffer. It is not necessary. Just take action. Give to the world. Give love. Give honesty. Give kindness. Give of yourself. And showering back to you will be love, honesty, kindness, and all sorts of riches. — John Kremer
Always give thanks. Give lots of thanks. We are not alone. We have many people to thank, again and again. Make sure they know who they are in your life. — John Kremer
If you want something, you actually have to ask for it. Be clear about your intentions and desires. Then act. — John Kremer

The Art of Giving
Among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. — Maya Angelou, poet
Now in my golden years, I’ve learned that you can’t know how to live until you know how to give. — Kirk Douglas, actor
In helping others, we shall help ourselves. For whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us. — Flora Edwards
Give of yourself, give as much as you can. And you can always give something, even if it is only kindness! If everyone were to do this and would not be as mean … then there would be much more justice and love in the world. — Anne Frank, diariast, The Diary of Anne Frank
The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbor as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant toward others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves. It is not love of self but hatred of self which is at the root of the troubles that afflict our world. — Eric Hoffer, longshoreman and philosopher, The Passionate State of Mind
The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind free from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you will be surprised. — H. C. Mattern
You will never be truly fulfilled as a human being until you learn the simple secret of how to give your life away. — Joel Osteen, preacher
Joy increases as you give it, and diminishes as you try to keep it for yourself. In giving it, you will accumulate a deposit of joy greater than you ever believed possible. — Norman Vincent Peale, preacher
A bell is no bell till you ring it,
a song is no song till you sing it,
and love isn’t love till you give it away. — Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, The Sound of Music
You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it’s a little thing, do something for others—something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it. — Albert Schweitzer, doctor and humanitarian
My father said there are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better. — Marlo Thomas, actress
The fact is that you can’t give away to anyone else what you don’t have for yourself. Just as you can’t give money to the poor if you don’t have any, you can’t make someone else happy if you yourself are miserable. — Brian Tracy, inspirational speaker and author
Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others. — Brian Tracy, inspirational speaker and author
You cannot receive a sincere compliment without feeling better, and just as important, you cannot give a sincere compliment without feeling better yourself. — Zig Ziglar, sales trainer and author